People based in United Arab Emirates

Name Biography
Mr Mohammed Salman Khan Mr. Mohammed Salman Khan is a Partner at Australian Gulf Metal Company Factory
Mr Walid Tariq Hassan Sheta Mr. Walid Tariq Hassan Sheta is a Board Member at Schneider Electric Saudi Arabia
Ms Noha Habib Ms. Noha Habib is Vice President of Corporate Communications and Investor Relations at Wataniya International Holding Company
Mr Martin Sebastian Mr. Martin Sebastian is the Chief Information Officer of Wataniya International Holding Company
Mr Sudarsan Narasimhan Mr. Sudarsan Narasimhan is the General Manager of Wataniya General Takaful at Wataniya International Holding Company
Mr Jumaa Beljaflah Mr. Juma Beljafla is the Chief Human Resources Officer at Union Properties PJSC
Mr Khaled Chaaban Mr. Khaled Shaaban is the Chief Legal Officer of Al Ittihad Properties PJSC
Mr Khaled Chaaban Mr. Khaled Chaaban is the Chief Legal Officer of Al Ittihad Properties PJSC
Ms Sanjay Patni Ms. Sanjay Patni is the Chief Marketing Officer at Union Coop
Mr Ahmed Mousa Saief Al Zaroni Mr. Ahmed Musa Saif Al Zarouni is the CEO of Real Estate at Union Coop
Ms Hend Abdullah Ahmed Ali Mrs. Hind Abdullah Ahmed Ali is the Executive Director of Corporate Affairs at Union Cooperative Company
Ms Shmaa Saief Nasser Al Moaamri Mrs. Shamma Saif Nasser Al-Maamari is the Chief Human Resources Officer at Union Coop Company
Mr Nils Groon Mr. Nils Gröne is the Chief Commercial Officer of Union Cooperative
Mr Nicolas Alan Mr. Nicholas Alan is the Chief Operating Officer of Union Coop
Mr Rahim Khan Mr. Rahim Khan is the Sales and Marketing Director of Unikai Foods PJSC
Mr Jano Ahmed Mr. Janu Ahmed is the Director of Manufacturing at Unikai Foods PJSC
Mr Muhammad Akbar Khan Mr. Muhammad Akbar Khan is the IT Manager at Unikai Foods PJSC
Ms Dalal Al Yafie Mrs. Dalal Al-Yafei is the Acting Vice President of Human Resources at the National Central Cooling Company
Mr Abdullah Al Hashmi Mr. Abdullah Al Hashemi is Vice President of Health, Safety, Environment and Quality Department at the National Central Cooling Company
Mr Mayur Nikam Mr. Mayur Nikam is the Vice President of Regional Business Development at the National Central Cooling Company