People based in United Arab Emirates

Name Biography
Mr Sultan Omran Salim Abdullah Al Owais Mr Sultan Omran Salim Abdullah Al-Owais is Chairman of the Board Chairman of the Board at Mawarid Technology Co.
Ms Joy Criste Ms Joy Criste is Audit Manager at Odeh & Co Public Accountants llc.
Mr Muhammad Imran Mr Muhammad Imran is Auditing Manager at Odeh & Co Public Accountants llc.
Mr Ahmed Seddiq Al Mutuwaa Mr Ahmed Seddiq Al Mutuwaa is a CEO at Harris Atlas .
Mr Howard Lance Mr Howard Lance is a CEO at Harris Atlas .
Mr Jeff Stone Mr. Jeff Stone is the CEO of MENA at Abhi Fintech Ltd
Ms Sacha Haider Ms. Sacha Haider is a Board Member at Abhi Fintech Ltd
Mr Omair Muzzaffer Ansari Mr. Omair Muzzaffer Ansari is the CEO of Abhi Fintech Ltd
Mr Qais Al Jbour Mr Qais Al Jbour is a Service Account Manager Harris Atlas Co.
Mr Baha Shishan Mr Baha Shishani is a Director of Business Development Harris Atlas Co.
Mr David Diggs Mr David Diggs is a Lead Sales/Account Management Harris Atlas Co.
Mr Nikhil Marwah Mr Nikhil Marwah is a Principal Program Managerat Harris Atlas Co.
Mr Tony Chahla Mr Tony Chahla is a Manager at Harris Atlas Co.
Mr Chris Kubasik Mr Chris Kubasik is a Chair and Chief Executive Officer at L3Harris Technologies Co.
Mr Prasoon Mohan Mr Prasoon Mohan is Creative Director at Drumbeat.
Mr Lee Allcorn Mr. Lee Allcorn is the Managing Director of Middle East and Africa at Temenos
Mr Habeeb Rahman Mr Habeeb Rahman is Chief Executive Officer and Chief Strategist at Drumbeat.
Mr Paul Sader Mr Paul Sader is Owner at Total Publishing Solutions.
Mr Jean Paul Mergeai Mr. Jean Paul Mergeai is the President EMEA-APAC at Temenos
Mr Ayoub Abdulla Ahmad Mohd Alayoubi Mr Ayoub Abdulla Ahmad Mohd Alayoubi is General Manager and Owner at Al Ayoubi Accounting & Auditing.