PEX Market Watch

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  • -16.77%
Latest Market Announcements
2023-05-09 15:24:00.0تنويه
2023-05-09 10:18:00.0PALESTINE SECURITIES EXCHANGE(PSE) disclose a material events(Dividends Distribution Date ).
2023-05-09 08:39:00.0PALESTINE INVESTMENT BANK(PIBC) held its Board of Directors meeting on 08/05/2023.
2023-05-09 08:39:00.0THE RAMALLAH SUMMER RESORTS(RSR) disclosed its financial statements for the first quarter of the year 2023.
2023-05-09 08:36:00.0PALESTINE INVESTMENT BANK(PIBC) held its ordinary General Assembly meeting meeting on 08/05/2023.
2023-05-09 07:03:00.0PALESTINE SECURITIES EXCHANGE(PSE) disclosed its financial statements for the first quarter of the year 2023.
2023-05-08 14:40:00.0ARAB PALESTINIAN INVESTMENT - APIC(APIC) held its ordinary General Assembly meeting meeting on 08/05/2023.
2023-05-08 13:35:00.0ARAB PALESTINIAN INVESTMENT - APIC(APIC) held its Board of Directors meeting on 08/05/2023.
2023-05-08 10:35:00.0PALESTINE DEVELOPMENT & INVESTMENT(PADICO) held its ordinary General Assembly meeting meeting on 08/05/2023.
2023-05-08 07:14:00.0PALESTINE INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT(PIIC) held its Board of Directors meeting on 06/05/2023.
2023-05-08 06:27:00.0Beit Jala Pharmaceutical(BJP) held its Board of Directors meeting on 07/05/2023.
2023-05-08 06:24:00.0Beit Jala Pharmaceutical(BJP) held its ordinary General Assembly meeting meeting on 07/05/2023.
2023-05-07 16:13:00.0ARKAAN REAL ESTATE(ARKAAN) sets 16/05/2023 as a date of its Board of Directors meeting.
2023-05-07 14:33:00.0THE NATIONAL BANK(TNB) disclose a material events(Changes on board of directors ).
2023-05-07 13:32:00.0JERUSALEM PHARMACEUTICALS(JPH) disclose a material events(تعميم الغاء الأثر السعري).
2023-05-07 11:57:00.0AHLIEA INSURANCE GROUP(AIG) sets 18/05/2023 as a date of its Board of Directors meeting.
2023-05-07 11:16:00.0NABLUS SURGICAL CENTER(NSC) held its Board of Directors meeting on 06/05/2023.
2023-05-07 08:26:00.0PALESTINE PLASTIC INDUSTRIES(LADAEN) held its ordinary General Assembly meeting meeting on 06/05/2023.
2023-05-07 08:23:00.0PALESTINE POULTRY(AZIZA) held its ordinary General Assembly meeting meeting on 06/05/2023
2023-05-07 08:10:00.0PALESTINE INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT(PIIC) held its ordinary General Assembly meeting meeting on 06/05/2023.
Market Cap (M JOD): 8,290.68
52-Week Range : 530.60 - 654.26
30D Average Turnover (M JOD): 0.74
30D Average Transaction Value (JOD):8,946.24
Listed Stocks:49
Main Currency: JOD
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